| June 8th, 2023 | 2 Comments

Are you guys looking for things to do in Montreal?

Montreal is a city with potential to appeal to a wide range of visitors. There is something in Montreal to fulfill the artist, the photographer, the food connoisseur, the history buff, the nature enthusiast, or the eclectic hipster.

Whether you fit into one, several, or none of these classifications, I have a feeling you will that plenty of things to do in Montreal!

Six free things to do in Montreal

Things to do in Montreal

The opportunities are pretty much endless, even if you are on a budget and prefer to keep the purse strings tied.

So if you’d like to visit Montreal (which you absolutely should), and you are doing so on a budget,  have a look at the list below. It should keep you busy for at least a little while!

Hike Mont Royal in Montreal

Hike Mont Royal
Mont Royal” by Aaron Brown is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Have a camera and like using it? Fancy a bit of a hike to reach some sick views? If so this hike should be on top of your list of things to do in Montreal.

Reaching the top of Mont Royal is approximately a 45 minute hike. I say that lightly because it might take you a bit longer due to breaks (that you will for sure take) for photo opportunities that present themselves. It also might take you a lot less time if you are visiting in the winter on a frigid day and speed walk to the top to keep warm. Montreal can get quite cold so it’s essential to keep the blood pumping!

The trail is maintained all year round so you can enjoy the unique views each season offers. Regardless of how long it takes, once at the top you will have an amazing panoramic view of Montreal!

Walk Along St. Paul Street in Old Montreal

St Paul Street Montreal
Rue St-Paul, Montreal” by SahilH is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Old Montreal encompasses the famous European atmosphere that is associated with historic Montreal. Saint Paul Street in particular has tons of restaurants, cafes, bars, souvenir shops, and art galleries. It’s the perfect place to spend a full day exploring, from the narrow cobblestone streets to the boardwalk along the river.

In the summer months, you can climb to the top of the clock tower at the end of the boardwalk for beautiful Montreal vistas! I love visiting Old Montreal whenever I am in town, it’s one of my favorite things to do in the entire city.

Visit One of Montreal’s Public Markets

Atwater Market Montreal
Atwater Market” by Sarah McGough is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Montreal is famous for its food! Really, I swear it is!

You can find it fresh and affordable at one of the city’s public markets. Jean Talon Market, Maisonneuve and Atwater Market are three of the most famous. Stop your tummy from grumbling and enjoy tasting fruits, veggies, smoothies, maple syrup, cider, breads, and much more.

These markets really do provide a truly authentic eating experience.

Sing Hallelujah at Notre Dame Basilica

Notre Dame Montreal

Awaken your senses by visiting the grand and beautiful Notre Dame Basilica for the 11:00 am mass on Sunday morning. Mass is sung by a choir of 25 voices accompanied by the pipe organ. You can hear the organ reverberate through the streets for what seems like miles. The basilica has a gorgeous interior, one you’re sure not to expect.

Be sure to pay this stunning place a visit when in Montreal!

Browse Vintage Shops Along Boulevard St Laurent

Vintage Shops in Montreal
vintage shop in montreal” by Gina Collecchia is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Do you love old bookstores? Artwork? Antiques? If so, take a stroll down the vivacious Boulevard Saint Laurent! The amount of shops along the boulevard is enough to make any vintage lover like me over-the-moon excited. Vintage clothing, antiques and books are abundant for ages! You’ll be sure to discover several unique finds perusing these shops!

As you can see, I’m very excited about all of the above activities!

Explore The Montreal Art Scene

The Museum of Contemporary Art is free on Wednesday evenings from 6-9 p.m. with a free tour at 6:30. The Montreal Museum of Fine Art permanent collection is free at all times! The particular exhibit that was being presented when I was at the Museum of Contemporary Art was the most odd. I even found it slightly disturbing.

If you visit with a friend it certainly makes for great head-scratching and philosophical conversations! Maybe you’ll be lucky and get to experience a more inspiring exhibit, but really, what’s art without some profound observations and questions to take away?


By Allison Blair at The Vintage Postcard


Alli is a young travel blogger and photographer from Toronto, Canada with an incredible zest for life and an adventurous spirit. Seeing the world while writing about it is her greatest passion and fuels her with more life and inspiration than anything else she knows. She is a frequent yogi and loves to hike, cook, read, and write.

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Written by Just a Pack


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